Be Gentle with YOU!I just wanted to say to all of you out there, please be gentle with yourself!!! This time between eclipses is stirring up so much old energy and I know a lot of people out there are finding it so hard at the moment to stay positive, and to remain focused on their goals. So if you are feeling down and out, not knowing what you are going to do next, wondering if you can cope, feeling on the edge of all reason, or just not wanting to be for some reason or another, I want you to know this....... |
To know that each one of you is supported on your journeys and that you only have to ASK for help and it will be there for you, maybe not in the way you imagined but it will! Just ask, please ask. Ask your guides/angels/high power whoever you believe in to step forward and help you with whatever it is that you feel you need help with, breathe and then watch for those answers to appear.
They may appear as a friend, a phone call, an offer of help, a hug, someone telling you that you are loved and that they believe in you.
It could be a newspaper article, a book, a song anything at all, just watch for that synchronicity and TRUST that you are exactly where you are meant to be in this moment for very good reason.
If you need more help than that ask, ask a friend, a family member, call a helpline of needed and use the resources that are out there (many of them free) to help you through whatever it is you're feeling.
It may feel hard and like there is no end, but that is our mind sending us into a big black hole or a never ending circle of unforgiving pain. Choose to change those thoughts, choose to step forward in gratitude, choose to see the blessings in each and every day, even if they are small, the fact that you are looking for them, that you are asking for help, that you are not allowing the past to creep into this brand new moment or brand new day is the best start you could ever give yourself!
Allow yourself the room to feel good, to love yourself, to smile, to laugh, to bring all the good that you so desperately want and deserve into your life in amazing ways.
You are loved beautiful soul!!!!
I see you! I believe in you! I hope you see it too. I hope you believe and trust in you too! You are MORE than worth it!!!!
Please feel free to send a small miracle today in a comment below to your fellow souls across the world. You never know just how much your words of encouragement, experience, love, hope and faith may just mean to someone in the very moment that they read this.
Sending Huge hugs, Love and Warm Blessings to each and every one of you!
Rebecca Fox R.M.