If you aren't inclined to be woo woo or spiritual, look past the well used name of Chakra as it's just a word. Look further to what this color relates to in your life. Does it fit how you are feeling in this moment? Do you think you might be out of balance?
The Throat Chakra: The Blue chakra located at the base of the throat. Its Sanskrit name is vishuddha. The throat chakra is associated communication, expression, freedom, responsibility, and leadership.
If the throat chakra becomes unbalanced, you may feel you are unable to communicate verbally, physically, and emotionally in a loving way to yourself or others. The throat chakra connects us to our ability to express ourselves, therefore creating a number of issues if this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, particularly from subconscious attitudes or feelings becoming trapped and unable to surface or spill out in conversation. Severe trauma can cause this chakra to close, making it very difficult to express emotion.
If the throat chakra becomes unbalanced, you may feel you are unable to communicate verbally, physically, and emotionally in a loving way to yourself or others. The throat chakra connects us to our ability to express ourselves, therefore creating a number of issues if this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, particularly from subconscious attitudes or feelings becoming trapped and unable to surface or spill out in conversation. Severe trauma can cause this chakra to close, making it very difficult to express emotion.
- Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced throat chakra: nervousness, anxiety, fear, attention deficit disorders, poor coping skills, feeling isolated.
- Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced throat chakra: problems with the nasal area, irritated sinuses, sore throat, jaw pain and TMJ, voice loss, thyroid problems, teeth and gum problems, and ailments of the esophagus and tonsils.
- Healing the Throat Chakra:
Balancing and opening the throat chakra allows you to express your feelings and communicate freely, without worry of criticism or judgment from yourself or others. It promotes honesty and harmony with our feelings and actions, and helps us to live more authentically and free. A balanced throat chakra helps us with successful communication in relationships and in business/work related settings, and is especially helpful to those with careers relying on communication and self-expression.