Day 2 - How to connect with the Heart of YOU!
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How to Connect with your Higher Self Your Higher Self is the spirit part of you that is said to ‘reside’ in the Ether (the non-physical realm). It’s your gorgeous Divine spark. This part of you helps you to keep on track with your Life’s purpose and in touch with your passion and joy ( I like to call it my inner compass). Is my Higher Self the same as my Soul? Yes indeed it is, it’s the part of you that has access to all the wisdom you have gained over the course of the many lifetimes you may have lived, both past, present and future. Some people like to make a distinction between Higher Self, Spirit and Soul. I’m not quite sure just how useful these distinctions are unless you’re God or (Insert your higher power) and you need to get really technical about it. What does my Higher Self do? Your Higher Self is like a pure heart based, light shadow of consciousness that offers forth its wisdom and directions about where or which way to go now. Sometimes the directions can take a while for us to realize that they are sitting their in your mind consciousness waiting for you to become aware. But, there are ways to access the wisdom of your Higher Self directly by bypassing the mind ekkkk, yes it really is possible to bypass the monkey mind and chatter. Your Higher Self/soul is not ‘way out there’ in the nether worlds. Just think for a minute of the idea that your Higher Self is actually you, your consciousness, in your body (just like a shadow self, allowing you to make choices but offering direction and wisdom through that amazing idea you've just had or that gut feeling that you just have to go down this road instead of the other). It’s you who set the course of your life and the things you came here to learn about before you even got here (yes that's right you planned your experience here on earth). It’s you whispering guidance to you about your highest path and purpose. It’s you who decides to respond to your thoughts, which create your reality. It’s you who set that up as a mechanism by which you could use that compass, those thoughts as spiritual feedback about what you want to do with our life or where you’re headed. You may ask then am I ever separate from my Higher Self? or I don’t feel connected to my Spirit so is it really there? You can sometimes feel alone and some what alienated from your Higher Self when you come from a place of lack or ego and see yourself as an inferior being or when there are other beliefs you have which block you from the truth of who you really are and your purpose here. Have you ever had that exciting, mind blowing feeling which tells you that you’re here to do amazing things? Have you ever had a humbling feeling that you’re someone really special, with a special perspective to bring? Those are the little nudges of background input from your Higher Self (who knows who you truly are and what you are capable of). We mostly drown out such input with our thoughts and our fears and when we listen to our fear, we feel disconnected from our spirit. How can I be more connected to my Higher Self you ask? Connecting to your Higher Self means living connected to your heart space that loves, trusts and believes without a doubt that you are loved and lovable therefore worthy of abundance and success in all areas of your life. It involves three things. 1. Empowerment – remembering that you are a child of the Universe, with the power to create your world You came here to be incarnated in the physical and to keep a connection to your Spirit intact. You want to keep a connection to your Higher Self because that’s the part of you which knows where to go and, what to take on the journey and what to do to get there. Many souls who are incarnated here already do not have that connection anymore. They’ve lost it because they see themselves as separate from God or from the Divine energy that is the Creator of all things. People often treat themselves as if they’re at the mercy of an outside force that controls the course of our lives. This is the ‘normal’ way to be and behave. Living your Spirit means remembering that you are God energy or Source energy in a physical body and the Creator of your world. The power inside you to create your world is the same power that creates worlds. It’s your life purpose to utilize it to create the world you want. 2. Intuition – talking to yourself You don’t need to contact your Higher Self as an entity outside of you – it is you! And you don’t need to hire a psychic in order to contact your Higher Self (although you can if you’re particularly alienated and don’t know where you’re headed or what you want. This also might be the case if your energy centers (chakras) are blocking that connection, because they are muddied up). The wisdom is inside of you, you just have to choose to access it. Listen to your desires Above all, pay attention to your desires. Your truest, heartfelt desires are feedback from your Higher Self about what you want to do now. Living from your Higher Self means not sacrificing or ignoring those desires. It also means listening to those desires on a daily basis. I manage my day by asking myself ‘what do I really want to do now?’ You might think that asking myself that means that the stuff I don’t want to do never gets done but it’s not the case. I actually regularly become inspired to overcome the challenges and the difficult tasks also, when the time is right, or I manifest someone to help me. I take my desires as feedback about the direction I want to go in. And when I remember to do it, it allows me to live in an inspired way. Meditate and quiet your mind The quickest way to practice accessing your truest self is meditation. It quietens the mind and the chatter which tells you who you are and what you can and can’t do and be and takes you straight to the quiet and calm which is your Higher Self. Start meditating by just focusing on your breath. 3. Healing – Clearing the clutter which stands between you and your truest self. Most people don’t know they want healing – they just know that they feel bad. So what can you do if you mostly feel bad? What if you don’t know what to do to heal that? You can just put out the intention to be as aligned as possible with your Higher Self. Putting out that intention will put you on a healing journey back towards who you are. If you have the energy to be proactive, make it your work to clear away anything which is not aligned with who you really are. Your Higher Self is pure joy. You know what is not aligned with your Higher Self by how good it feels. If you feel good, then it’s aligned with your Higher Self. If you feel bad, then it’s not aligned. The clutter I’m referring to includes unhelpful beliefs such as ‘I’m not good enough’, any past associations or events which cause you to feel bad, any feeling which does not feel good to you is out of alignment with your Higher Self and it helps to find its source and purge the belief or attitude that causes it. Eager to read Day 3 - Click here