If you aren't inclined to be woo woo or spiritual, look past the well used name of Chakra as it's just a word. Look further to what this color relates to in your life. Does it fit how you are feeling in this moment? Do you think you might be out of balance in this area?
The Sacral Chakra - The Orange chakra located below the belly button. Its Sanskrit name is svadhisthana. It is associated with our connection to other people, creativity, energy, confidence, and sexual health.
If the sacral chakra becomes unbalanced, This is quite literally the cup of life, right from the womb creating life to the center where all your creative energy is birthed.Strongly connected to issues around sexuality, relationships and sensuality. The sacral chakra is one for the ladies especially. Healing here can create profound life changes.
If the sacral chakra becomes unbalanced, This is quite literally the cup of life, right from the womb creating life to the center where all your creative energy is birthed.Strongly connected to issues around sexuality, relationships and sensuality. The sacral chakra is one for the ladies especially. Healing here can create profound life changes.
- Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced sacral chakra: eating disorders, addictions, low self-confidence, dependency issues, low libido, and unbalanced emotions.
- Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced sacral chakra: kidney problems and urinary tract infections, chronic lower back pain, sexual disorders, infertility (I have many people come to me to balance this one before starting their family or if they've had a hard time getting pregnant), gynecological problems, dysfunctional menstrual cycles, and problems with the intestines, spleen, and gallbladder.