For me although forgiveness is hard, it is a necessary part of my own growth. To be able to live a life in the moment and in love for myself is important to me. To hold onto such anger brings so much more harm to ourselves than needed. Ask yourself.....Does being angry and staying in that anger for days, weeks sometimes months and years truly affect the other person who you are angry at, does it cause them grief daily to know that you are hurting inside and that your anger is bubbling away, infecting your mind with constant never ending circles of unforgiving pain.
I have spent many a conversation in my own head trying to decipher why anger causes so much disruption in our lives and what I came up with for myself, was that all it did was take away from my own life, take away from my family and leave me up in my head fuming. A few moments of peace would come, then WHAM!! something would trigger that anger again, that nasty underlying anger that seems to seep out at the most inappropriate times. Or maybe you hold it all in, until BOOM!!! oh oh it's come out sideways and has really hurt someone, and that person is not even the person who did you wrong to begin with!
I loved what Marianne had to say in this video and the perspective she took with it!!! Something I have been living by for awhile now and the freedom that comes with it, quite simply AMAZING!!!
Marianne shares her thoughts about forgiveness with Oprah, who reminisces over a past grudge, and what advice was given to her.