So everyone on my pages, students and in my closed groups have been asking for the recipe for my famous, infamous, organic, softer than soft, energy Deicker Bars.
So here they are! Super simple and you possibly have all the ingredients on hand already, not to mention no cooking anything and 10 mins prep time if you're lucky!!!
Gemstones or Crystals are such a special gift to receive or to give for so many reasons. They are mother nature's natural healers, a gift from the earth. Gifting someone with a crystal is the same as offering a healing on some levels. There are hundreds of different types of amazing stones to choose from. Featured in this blog are ten popular gemstones that could be considered as must-haves for each of us. They each have wonderful healing properties. ![]() Rose Quartz has a gentle energy. It is a heart healer of physical heart ailments as well as emotional heartbreaks. Rose quartz is a timely gift to offer someone who desires to learn more about self-love. You couldn't ask for a more loving teacher in this crystal. Rose Quartz can help you release emotional stress just don't forget to ground yourself with a grounding crystal to balance out the release. The key words to remember for Rose Quartz are Love, Emotion and Release. ![]() Fluorite comes in a variety of colors although the intense purple is my favorite. Fluorite is a beneficial stone in that it is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. Fluorite heightens mental abilities, assisting in rapid organization and processing of information and can bring mental clarity and stability to an otherwise chaotic situation or struggle. Fluorite absorbs negative energies from the environment and is effective at Auric and Chakra cleansing. Fluorite can also shield the user from psychic manipulation. Due to its powerful ability to absorb negative energies, Fluorite should be cleared often (at least once a week, depending on your circumstances and how often it is used). Fluroite helps gain balance and is one I use if anyone in the family has any ear issues such as infections or vertigo. Fluorite also encourages a sense of self worth. The key words to remember for Fluorite are Inspiration, stabilizing, co-ordination and clarity. ![]() Lapis is a stone that has been said to unlock mysteries as it helps one move through confusion and emotional blocks and dig through fog/muckyness to the root of problematic issues. Lapis Lazuli Stones resonate with the vibration of truth and enlightenment, and are powerful intense blue stones for opening the third eye and stimulating the pineal gland. Lapis Lazuli is a useful stone to wear as it is said to relieve anger and negative thoughts, as well as easing frustrations causing the anger. Lapis also supports the throat and upper chest area, aids in communication and mediation and provides insight. The key words to remember for this crystal are Memory, awareness and truth. ![]() Hematite is a powerful grounding stone. This silver-gray metallic gemstone is often used as a grounding tool to aid those who tend to avoid worldly tasks/events by out-of-body flight. I will slip one in my pocket/sock/bra if I know I'm going to be placed in a trying situation such as a job interview, a funeral, presentation or courtroom dealings. Hematite helps me to become comfortable in my own body when I'd rather escape and do a runner. This is my favorite crystal for protection of many forms. It can help reduce inflammation in the body, boost self esteem, grounds and anchors us and energizes all aspects of mind and body. Key words in remembering what Hematite is used for are Energizing, Grounding and Empowering. ![]() Turquoise stone is an adviser of the highest order, little wonder that it was a revered as a spiritual stone by Native Americans.This stone can be used to help one learn spiritual lessons through meditation and/or dream visions. This is one of my favorite crystals for helping to calm that monkey mind and constant chatter of overactive thoughts. It cools emotions that are heightened and balances all the subtle systems, particularly the heart, thymus and throat. This one is great for neutralizing environmental negativity and enhances your intuition. The key words for remembering this crystal are strengthens, protects and enhances. ![]() Kyanite has always been one of my favorites. As an empath my emotions can run high and all over the place, sometimes I just need a good release, and this is the perfect stone for a good old cry session. It helps to balance the whole being, calms and releases blocked emotions, brings tranquility and some peace within. Kyanite is best worn near the throat chakra. This blue crystal helps facilitate channeling and will open communications centers to enable contact back to self and allow you to listen to all that knowledge that your higher self makes available to you. Kyanite is probably best known for its balancing properties that align the chakras. There is no need to cleanse this stone, it clears itself automatically of negative energies. ![]() Citrine is a wonderful yellow colored stone to carry with you. It anchors and activates our lower chakras which is a huge plus if you are low in energy. It is restful and warming, boosts confidence and creates a sense of renewed personal power. It helps to manifest your goals. This energizing crystal also keeps one cheerful because it is filled with empowering solar energy. It attracts abundance and personal power. Key words to remember for Citrine are warming, comforting, uplifting and energizing. What's your favorite crystal? Let me know in the comments below.
Love and Warm Blessings to all Did you know that about 20% of the population is considered highly sensitive? When you think about it that's actually quite a significant amount of the population. The numbers aren’t large enough to make it what would be called common, so for that reason it often gets passed over or isn’t quite understood. Many people look at being sensitive (even if they are sensitive themselves) as a double edged sword, a hindrance or a terrible defect because it doesn’t fit the so called norms of how one should or shouldn't act in public. This is not the case for most sensitive people as they are more awake, more aware, more compassionate, more forgiving (yes we've all been there, with that one narcissist or many in some people's cases) and often far more driven. Highly Sensitive people believe and just know in their heart that things can be better and work hard to take action or research to make it happen. It is so very hard for a Empath/Sensitive person to see any form of suffering whether human or animal without trying to relieve the pain on some level, to see heartache without expressing love, healing, a kind ear or a helping hand and to see a challenge without brain storming the solution where possible. The world of an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person can be often overlooked, misunderstood or seen to be using ego instead of compassion because they Empath or the HSP sees nothing but compassion, nothing but love, nothing but the need to heal on some level if at all possible. Not to make themselves feel grandiose but to see another person or animal live happy in their lives and free from pain. Empaths and Sensitive people are often so giving of their time and energy that they forget to take care of themselves. It's time to stop right now in this moment and ask yourself "Where is my energy going right now, and is it adding to my happiness and balance?" 1. Empaths and Highly Sensitive people see the world differently than most and with that gift comes such wonderful compassion, authenticity and truthfulness (even if some people don't want to hear it). Because Empaths feel what others are feeling, we often feel a obliged to help, offer a solution or knowledge that we just seem to pull from no where and we react with bigger emotion and more rapid action than most can handle. On the surface, this appears to be a good thing, an admirable trait, but for some it can come to complete misunderstanding as the person that may need our help takes our advice/helpfulness as egotistical or know it all behavior instead of the true nature of which it has come. There are many challenges with reacting to a situation in the heat of heightened emotion. The other person might not want help, we might not be able to provide the right kind of help or we might offer help that is actually enabling the person, which can end up doing more harm than good to them and us. Before jumping the gun to help take the time to think both logically and emotionally. Understand that the whole world can’t be saved but we can make a difference in the people's lives that cross our paths for a reason. The responsibility comes in choosing our reactions wisely and embracing our Empathic gifts all at the same time finding balance within ourselves and in helping others along the way. 2. Listen and trust your inner guide, that gut feeling to protect yourself in any given situation. Empaths and Highly Sensitive people have highly equipped intuition that comes from a finely tuned awareness of what is happening around us. Unfortunately though, we don’t always pay attention to what our gut is telling us (have you ever had one of those moments, where you wish you could go back in time and listen to what your gut was telling you before you second guessed yourself?) Because of our finely tuned sensitive nature, we tend to be far more trusting and way more willing to take people at their word. There are people that will take advantage of that (which is often why Narcissists seem to pray on Empaths and Sensitives drawing them in and then the lesson in boundaries begins), and that is why listening to our inner guide, that gut feeling is so VERY important. It is this inner source of wisdom that protects us and warns us to tread carefully on our journey's. As Empaths and Highly Sensitive people, we are so focused on helping everyone else that we often ignore the warning signs our intuition or gut feeling provides. Pay attention to your gut hits as closely as you pay attention to your desire to help others. (All in the name of balance right?) Doing so will help you by bringing balance into your life which better prepares you to have the energy/time to help others. 3. Stay focused on the things that really matter in life like living in the moment, Love and your Happiness. Because we are so aware and absorb so much of the energy that surrounds us, it is easy to lose our focus and take on other people’s problems as if they are our own. It’s important that we stay focused on the things that matter in our lives first as someone once told me it's Self-care not Selfish and avoid over-committing ourselves to the point of overwhelm or sickness. We are way to quick to say yes but upon contemplation we might realize we are not be the best person to help out, or maybe we have to much going on in our own world, or a lack of energy to be able to really help the person the way they need . This can lead to over-complicating and overthinking a situation to the point that it becomes detrimental to our own responsibilities and health. The lesson here is to keep our priorities first, help when it makes sense and find other resources when necessary. It's okay to say no! It's okay to look after you first! 4. Being sensitive is not the same as being weak or constantly teary. People who aren’t as sensitive as we are may interpret our ability to empathize and feel as a weakness (have you ever been told you are far to sensitive in what feels like a rather negative way?). The truth is, it takes a HUGE amount of inner strength to feel the constant bubble of happiness, sadness, physical pain, planetary movement and even heartache of those around us. This is not a burden we choose to carry but a gift in which we were entrusted because we are able to handle it. We are only ever given what we can handle in that moment on our journey's and we never would have been entrusted with such a wonderful gift if our higher power didn't think we could do it. The key to using our gift with purpose/grace, and in service to others, is to rely on that inner strength and wisdom. It’s that strength that helps us to stay strong and keep from internalizing the energy that is so easy for us to absorb or take on board. It gives us the resources to use the energy we encounter and transmute it back into the universe with positivity. 5. Be the courageous being you were born to be and continue to live from your authentic true gorgeous self. The biggest lesson for Empaths and Highly Sensitive people is to not let others who might not understand our gift change us from believing and trusting in ourselves. It is often easier to hide our sensitive side from the world than to be judged by it. Continue to live your truth and be proud of who you are. Your sensitivity is not a burden, it's your SUPERPOWER, you are a warrior with love, passion and kindness. It is who we are, and the Universe needs us to share it. Doing so will create a ripple effect of a more loving, kind and peaceful world. Being an Empath or a Highly Sensitive Person is such a gift and even the greatest gifts can be a burden (double edged sword as it's often put) at times. Remember these top tips to keep you grounded in life while staying true to yourself, honoring your amazing gifts and those that are blessed by your gifts. Love and Warm Blessings Rebecca Fox R.M. |
Hello & WelcomeI’m Rebecca Fox. I write for self-discovery, growth and to help others on their personal journey. I believe authenticity creates radiance. On my own journey back to self (cause yes we never stop growing), I share my knowledge and story in the hope that you find some aha moments, tools or inspiration to be the best that you can be Let's do this...We are all in this together! Sign up for my FREE 8 Day Course, as well as jam packed emails dedicated to helping you grow and step forward into your brilliance!
November 2016