This area of your body is the DOING or CREATIVE center. From your shoulders energy flows down your arms and into your hands, where you express yourself to the world through your creative talents. This applies to the work you do as well as the way you live your life - what you do with the time that is given to you, what you do with your relationships, or do with your feelings surrounding these things. The shoulders get tense and rigid when you are not expressing your real needs - those things that pertain to your self care and time out. When you are not expressing your real needs, when you are doing something you would rather not be doing, or helping someone you really didn't have the time or energy to help, when you feel you have too much to do, or when you feel scared of reaching out for help and want to pull back into what you believe to be safety and do nothing, when what you are really doing is procrastinating and doing a very good job of shoving whatever it is as far under the rug as you can get it.
Another reason for tense, sore and rigid shoulders could be you holding down or repressing something you really want to do. That yearning inside of you that you know is there but you just don't listen to - so it comes out in your shoulders, the more you repress the yearning the more tense you may feel across your shoulders and eventually up into your neck if ignored.
Tension restricts the flow of energy and feeling. In the process of putting others' needs first, your own activity may be stifled. The shoulders are where that "doing energy" becomes blocked. What is it that you are holding in, stuffing under a rug, or procrastinating on that may be blocking that flow of energy?
The muscles are in alignment with our mental energy (what we are worried about/scared about/overthinking), so you manifest that need (that you are not addressing) in the from of energy that is knotted and tight in the shoulder muscles for they contain so many of your longings and burdens. When you think about the layout of our bodies we can see that whenever we go to hug, touching, sharing, caring or being intimate with a person, that whatever we feel in the heart (for empaths this could be substantial) gets relayed up through our shoulders and out into our arms/hands. Not only does the heart energy come up and out through the arms/hands but it also flows back the other way. It should be a loving, smooth flow of energy through this movement with another but often we create or feel blocks from another along the way causing that stiff feeling or pain to be felt.
For example intuitively we just feel when we are hugging the wrong person, or you feel that your kindness/compassion/love is being rejected in someway, or that you are fearful of intimacy. This can manifest itself into a frozen shoulder, an indication of where emotional coldness or past experiences is affecting you, either coming from another to you, or from you toward someone else.
If at any stage we are locked in thought/struggle or stuck in fear/anxiety our shoulders naturally raise often without us realizing it. If this continues over time the shoulder muscles begin to lock into that position. The long term effect of this is that our attitude also locks into whatever thought/struggle/fear or anxiety we seem to be stuck in.
The overwhelms, the burdens of life that exist for most of us daily are seen physically in that of hunched over shoulders. They also indicate a desire to protect yourself by closing your body around your heart. Shoulders that are pulled back often indicate the holding back of feelings, especially ones of love such as touching or caressing, knowing that we are loved and supported and don't need to do it all alone, all the time.
Painful shoulders could well mean that you are carrying far to much all on your own.
Do you really want to say to people "Please help me, please love me, please care for me"?
Have you been dismissing your own problems and taking on others problems for far too long?
All of what I have discussed in regards to the shoulders can be boiled down to some form of resistance, that could be to your responsibilities, the pressure to perform, the need for change in your life but the fear that holds you back. Any form of resistance can usually be found in the shoulders.
Try this...... For a few seconds feel your body, look to your shoulders are they stiff? Do they hurt? Are they hunched? When you took a deep breath did you feel the release in your shoulders?
If so, put a note up where you work to remind yourself to release some of that tension in your shoulders and to think about what you may be resisting in your life. Is it possible to delegate or offload some of the work/feelings to another so that you don't have to do all the heavy lifting of those shoulders on your own?
Huge love and warm blessings to you all