How many times have you heard the words from your family, friends or midwifes - Babies can just sense the energy of the people around them - somewhere along the way throughout our life journey some of us choose not to utilize this wonderful gift and it just falls away.
This wonderful empathic ability if utilized allows you to understand the energy of people around you and read that same energy. Have you ever been in the presence of someone and just immediately been put off by their energy and would rather walk away?
Or have you bonded with the very essence of someone's energy and have that feeling of yaeee I want to know more about this person? whether it's good, bad or indifferent.
Empaths have the natural ability to be able to scan another's energy for thoughts, feelings and possible life experiences or occurrences whether that be past, present or future. In my own experience when I was still developing my gifts and learning about, as well as creating physical (that bubble of space that surrounds you) and emotional boundaries, I had found myself reading another person's energy without a second thought or without really understanding or having an awareness that I had even read the person in front of me, in an email, phone or skype etc to begin with (and so very quickly).
The ability to read another's energy, thoughts and feelings is an amazing gift to develop and work with, but it definitely in the early stages of understanding and developing can be quite the challenge as well.
One of my first real understandings of the depth of my empathic gift and the complete sense of the overwhelms of that very same gift was walking into a supermarket one afternoon.
It happened to be unlike me to pop in after the school pick up one day and OMGoodness the rush of emotion, stress, tension, tears, anger, happiness, resentment, joy,......every type of emotion there is came rushing at me the moment I walked in. NEVER had I truly understood the stress, worry and emotion people carry until I put myself into a space with hundreds of them at once.
I felt overwhelmed, drained and the workings of a massive headache on the way, with a slow pounding inside my head. I couldn't move from that spot for a good five minutes. I just stood there looking like a bewildered fool i'm sure, as scores of people moved what seemed silently around me......but no, no, no, no, no I have never had such an array of emotion flow through me at such enormous speeds. One minute I felt the tears roll down my face, the next minute I was singing a pop song in my head and quite joyous, then anger came rolling in, just one emotion after another and back again until my body started to wilt with the influx of energy.
I worked out VERY, VERY quickly that it was time to put together some protection and coping skills or tools for me to use, so that I never had that rush of emotion come at me ever again. I also now shop at one of the smaller supermarkets and very early in the morning!
Being aware of your energies and your boundaries is an extremely important part of being an Empath. Knowledge, protection, boundaries both physical and emotional are key to an Empath finding balance in their lives.
©Rebecca Fox R.M.