To combat the constant feelings of the overwhelms, empaths need to protect themselves anyway they can. As every person is different, unique and individual, what works for one will not always work for another. The best and greatest form of protection for any Empath (both newly awakened and finely tuned) is to create a strong, healthy body and a still, peaceful mind (trying to remove that monkey chatter, that is a constant in an empaths mind when first awakened).
The techniques described here I used through my own journey as an Empath and I still use them!
Keep in mind that some of these techniques take time. Although most empaths would possibly feel an immediate sense of relief, it could take a little longer for some too. Please don't be hard on yourself, have patience with yourself and Practice, because believe me, it certainly makes a WORLD of difference to life as an empath if you do. My goal is to give you shortcuts so that you can train your mind as quickly as possible without getting overwhelmed.
Crystals to aid in Protection
This is when I first discovered the amazing healing powers of crystals. Long have they been used by the ancients from Atlantis to Ancient Egypt to heal many an ailment throughout the years. So as an empath the first thing you want to do is protect yourself (if you are not aware of other tools the very best place to start is with a crystal or two that can help protect you without you doing much at all).
There are many different types of protection crystals, here are a few examples to help protect you from negativity/negative energies : Black Kyanite, Black Obsidian, Black Onyx, Bornite, Celestite, Jet, Black Tourmaline. I would suggest going to your local metaphysical store (or online), ask to be pointed in the direction of protection and intuitively pick the crystal that resonates with you the most. More often than not you will pick the PERFECT match for your energy and needs. Once the crystal is in your hot little hands, don't forget to clear it before you use it, you just don't know how many people have picked up your crystal.
Developing your Shield of Protection
Turning down the Flame or the Volume
A lot of Empaths find it very hard to stop the monkey chatter in their mind (that constant chatter that makes it so hard to get a little piece and quiet upstairs). I was given this tool a long time ago and have adapted it to fit my own visualization skills. I find this technique extremely useful when i've forgotten my crystals or shield and all of a sudden find myself in amongst a room full of people and my mind starts buzzing with talk and my body starts tensing with the emotion flying around the room. |
I take a deep breath in and visualise a flame in the pit of my stomach, about where your sacral chakra resides. Then I focus on two dials below the flame. The first one is yours and has numbers from 1-10, the second one is the rest of the world and has numbers 1-10.
The first thing I want you to do is ask yourself how is my flame looking, is it large and out of control? (Bad) Is it glowing brightly and balanced in a normal state? (Balance) Or is it very low burning? (Perfect for a situation where a lot of filtering is needed).
If it is out of control you know that you are not filtering anything and taking on a lot of what is around you. If it is in a balanced state you are able to filter out what you want, when you want to. If it is in a low state, i would say you are very practised at this method whether you realise it or not and have managed to turn down your flame and filter out the noise, extremely quickly (this is GREAT, this is what we are aiming for).
Okay so here's what you need to practise for this method to work effectively for you. Look at those two dials below your flame. I want you to visualize turning your dial to 10 (allowing only your thoughts in your mind) and then I want you to visualize turning the rest of the worlds dial to 0 (removing everyone else's chatter). If you are having trouble doing this your mind is putting a block up, trust is the key, trust that it will work and you will see the dial move to zero and that flame drop.
If you can get the dial down just a little bit then congratulations that is a huge achievement in the right direction!!!! Keep practising and you will get there.
Once you have turned down the rest of the world dial to zero, or as far down as you can get it I want you to take another big deep breath in......How are you feeling now? If it's better that's awesome!! If it's even a little bit better you're quite simply amazing!! Keep practising. I like to hurry things along when it comes to practise so I tried this for a week doing it from 10-30 times a day, depending on where I was and who I was with. I tell you what after a week, I just had to think about that flame going right down and it was done, so don't give up before the miracle okay?
Balancing your Energy Centers
A really important note for all empaths, especially the newly awakened ones is that we must bring ourselves into alignment and have balance in all aspects of our mind, body and soul where possible. By balancing our energy centers it allows us to create a really healthy, strong energy field, not only around us but within as well. Often when we first awaken we constantly use just a few of our chakras and because of this it sends us all out of balance. When an empath is out of balance that can cause us to pick up a lot more of what we don't want. |
So what we need to do first and foremost is learn about our energy centers, how they function and how we can realign them quickly and effectively.
I talk about this in depth in my ebook THE CHAKRA WAY. I teach you in a quick and easy way to know what each energy center controls within our bodies, how it affects our emotional, mental and physical well being and then all the tricks and tips on how to bring yourself back into balance. I wrote this book as a guide for anyone and everyone, but it is especially good for empaths and knowing how to really get in touch with your own energy and recognising your own energy in relation to others. The Chakra test that is inside the book is designed to help you recognise which of your Chakras are out through answering some simple questions. Once you have done this test a few times you will begin to just know, what's going on with your energy centers and how to effectively stop them depleting or getting icky before you know it.
Clearing Yourself and Dissolving Negative Energies
Whether you are having difficulty with your empathic abilities or not, it is a good idea to smudge or clear yourself regularly to release other people's energy and influence from your own energetic body. Smudging is a way to clear your energy by waving incense around your body and your personal space. (Sage,copal,frankincense, and Palo Santo are all recommended). Smudging with Sage (possibly the best one, but does have a strong odor that not everyone loves) lemon grass or ceder around your body. Other good clearing methods are: Using salt, showering, bathing and spending time in solitude. |
In my personal opinion I think this is why a lot of empaths are drawn to the ocean, that relaxing, rejuvenating and peaceful feeling coupled with a massive body of water just teaming with salt.
For best results go with your gut on how much to put in your bath, I generally recommend at least half a cup of both if not more, just whatever you feel in your gut to put in. You can also use instead of white vinegar (which does not make you or the bath smell) some essential oils or maybe even a healing crystal or two. If you don't have a bath or you don't have enough time for a soak, you can always buy or make yourself a salt-scrub. Just mix fine milled sea salt together with oil and rub into your skin before showering. Not only will it dissolve unwanted negative energies, it will leave your skin feeling so smooth. I have also been known in a real hurry to tip a half a cup of sea salt on the floor of my shower and stand on it, not as effective as rubbing it into your skin or bathing in it, but it's great for grounding and certainly does a similar job when on the run.
Dealing with Crowds
I think this is a big one for every empath and one we all would love many tools around. As Empaths we must limit the amount of data that is constantly flowing to us and find a level that we can easily handle. This varies for each individual, but it's a skill each empath must have. There are millions of examples i'm sure of how to do this but I have a few up my sleeve that I like to use a lot. |
The first and my favourite is using the firewall technique. I create the world around me into a computer, much like the matrix, everything becomes motherboards and I create a path for myself through the middle. There is data flying all around me, but nothing is able to infiltrate my field as my energy field is a bubble and all the data just deflects off it as i move through the crowd. I liked this idea when I first awoke because I could have a bit of fun with the data being thrown at me along the way...a little ninja style in my mind lol.
Another is.. When you are in that crowded place, and that feeling of overwhelming energy is flying at you. Think of all that emotion and data as oil flowing your way, imagine the liquid flowing towards you in a rapid pace depending on the size of the crowd. Now I want you to imagine that the bubble that surrounds you is filled with water. EXCELLENT! Oil and water don't mix at all so none of that data, emotion can touch you. The oil as it hits your beautiful water bubble may create some fantastic colour combinations on the outside of your protective shield, but none of it is getting to you of course, unless you want it too.
Another is imagining that just like Moses parted the Red Sea, you are walking through a crowd and parting the people and emotions. Instead of directly hitting you each bit of data is deflected to each side of you and you glide with ease through the middle not picking up a single emotion along the way.
Or what about the one where you make your energy field so big that there is no possible way that any other person's emotion can get near you. Start small and see your energy shield surrounding your body, then watch as it expands to the size of a car, then a house, then your town, then the surrounding towns, then your country and go as big as you feel comfortable. Then you are more than safe to strut your stuff wherever you happen to be. I'm sure there are many, many more ideas and if you have something different please feel free to share it in the comments for all to benefit.
This is but a small piece of the information I have on hand and some of the many tools that I have learnt over the years. I will be putting out a short course that goes into slightly more depth in each area as well as adding a lot of other options for Empaths, as no two are ever the same and again what works for one, may not work for another. I hope you have enjoyed and can put to good use some of these tools or adapt them to suit your needs, just please remember it takes practise and don't get discouraged if it doesn't work for you right away. Just keep plugging away and before you know it your babysteps have turned into giant leaps of learning, to live with what you will find to be such an amazing gift to yourself and to so many others.
Rebecca Fox R.M.