My Furbaby Felix came home this morning, not a very happy boy. His tail hung low, his eyes were all glassed over and his pupils HUGE, it was more than clear he had been hurt somehow.
Being a Reiki Master for both humans and animals I went straight into creating a space for him to heal, except this time, I decided to take the principals from my new book - THE CHAKRA WAY - to a new level and use the same quick fixes and tools I have provided in my book for humans and use them on my furbaby instead.
As part of the test to see how well he responded to those tools, I created two spaces for him right next to each other. The first one was a green blanket (green is a healing colour and relates to the Heart Chakra), the other was brown (which relates to healing of the Root Chakra).
Underneath the brown blanket I stuck healing green crystals, under the green blanket I stuck nothing. Neither of these blankets had he ever sat on before and where they were placed on the couch was not where he usually liked to sit.
I was amazed as I watched him slowly jump up on the couch to his normal spot. He looked over at the two blankets got up and walked over to the green one, he circled it, padded it as they like to do and I thought to myself, how interesting that he immediately went to the green one. As I watched and waited for him to get comfortable so I could do a Reiki session on him, he never did. He spent time getting ready to get comfortable then went to the brown blanket, immediately sat down and rolled over onto his belly to get ready for his Reiki.
I have done four short treatments on him as he sat on that blanket (I have found especially in cats, when doing a healing session, short treatments often are far more acceptable by them) and in that time he has managed to move two of the crystals out from under the rug and is now sitting on them. On the fourth treatment he got up with me to get some water and his movement is a lot better, his eyes have become normal and his tail is starting to lift very slightly again.
I'm quite honestly AMAZED at the results. Firstly I believe he chose the brown blanket because that has everything to do with healing of the Root Chakra (The Root Chakra on animals is the place where the most damage was done, around the base of his tail), secondly I can't believe the intuition of the cat to actually remove the crystals from under the blanket and utilise their healing qualities where his pain was (by sitting on them, literally!)
I have decided to use my Quick Fix Diet for mind, body and soul on all the animals I treat now, as the results have astounded me as I keep a watchful eye on his progress. It still astounds me how much influence our energy centers really do affect us on a day to day level.
I hope you will join me in holding space, prayers and healing for all animals across the world who need it for whatever reason.
Much Love and Warm Blessings
Rebecca Fox