Empaths as a rule are often highly misunderstood people who have the amazing yet intense ability to be able to sense emotions from; family, friends, animals and even complete strangers both in-person and from a distance. Empaths can also sense energy from possessions (such as photographs or someone's ring) nature and also the earth's magnetic fields. This is how more often than not and not unlike an animal can sense something coming, so to can the empath on many different levels. |
There are many as explained in a previous blog that believe the gift of being an Empath is a double edged sword, on one hand we could see it as such a gift to be able to help so many, but there are many without the tools and knowledge that also see it as a curse or even a mental illness.
Below you will find some of the traits of an Empath, each empath is individual but all empaths feel, so if you are an empath reading this blog it is more than likely that you will have a few aha moments when reading these or relate on some level within your own journey.
Traits of an Empath
It’s very important for an Empath to fully understand each of the human emotions since it’s sometimes necessary to distinguish between the emotions of themselves or another. Knowing where the emotion stems from helps us to control our feelings in a larger capacity, not over-react to them, and then set them free from our minds as quickly as possible.
Some of the many emotions each of us can portray at one time or another are - Affection, Anger, Angst, Anguish, Annoyance, Anxiety, Apathy, Arousal, Awe, Boredom, Confidence, Contempt, Contentment, Courage, Curiosity, Depression, Desire, Despair, Disappointment, Disgust, Distrust, Dread, Ecstasy, Embarrassment, Envy, Euphoria, Excitement, Fear, Frustration, Gratitude, Grief, Guilt, Happiness, Hatred, Hope, Horror, Hostility, Hurt, Hysteria, Indifference, Interest, Jealousy, Joy, Loathing, Loneliness, Love, Lust, Outrage, Panic, Passion, Pity, Pleasure, Pride, Rage, Regret, Relief, Remorse, Sadness, Satisfaction, Self-confidence, Shame Shock, Shyness Sorrow, Suffering, Surprise, Terror, Trust, Wonder, Worry, Zeal, and Zest.
For an empath the awareness of their own emotions and others, as well as the release of that which is not there's is extremely pertinent to leading a happy, balanced and healthy lifestyle.
1. Just knowing: Empaths just know stuff, without being told and seemingly out of nowhere. It’s a depth of knowing that goes way beyond a gut feeling, even though it could easily be described that way. The more finely attuned they are the stronger this gift becomes.
2. You can tell when you are being told a lie almost immediately: If a family member or a close friend is telling you lies you just know it (although a lot of empaths try not to focus too much on this because knowing a loved one is lying can be a painful thing to learn). Or maybe you are in the situation of someone saying one thing but thinking/feeling something completely different, you just know.
3. Being in public places can be overwhelming: Places like supermarkets, stadiums, concerts, malls, fairgrounds, the movies, any where there are loads of people around, can fill the empath with an overwhelming sense of emotions coming at them from all directions and without room to breathe to even focus on trying to work out one emotion from another.
4. Watching violence, cruelty or tragic events on the TV is almost unbearable: The more attuned and knowledgeable of their gift an empath becomes the worse it is under these circumstances and may make it so they eventually have to stop watching the news, news updates and or reading newspapers, current events, violent films altogether.
5. Constant fatigue or lacking in energy: Empaths often get extremely drained of energy, either from energy vampires or just taking on too much from others within a day/week etc, which even sleep will not help or cure. Many get diagnosed with a form of chronic fatigue syndrome.
6. Taking on physical symptoms of another: An empath will almost always develop the ailments off another person (colds, infections, headaches, muscle strain, body aches and pains to name just a few) especially those they're closest to, it's sort of like going out in sympathy for another.
7. Creative expression: From singing (all types of genres), dancing, acting, creating all types of artwork from scrapbooking to painting or writing an empath will have a very strong creative streak and a sometimes wildly vivid imagination.
8. Always looking out for others: Anyone whose suffering, in need of a lift, in emotional pain or being bullied in any form draws an empath’s attention and compassion almost immediately, they simply can't help themselves when they see or feel someone in need.
9. The ever present counsellor to the masses: An empath can become somewhat of a dumping ground for everyone else’s problems friends, family and even strangers dramas and issues which, if they're not careful can end up as their own. Self care is VERY important in this trait.
10. A cluttered environment: This is something every empath struggles with at some point or another, whether it be in their own home/workplace or others, it makes an empath feel completely weighed down and blocks the flow of energy, leaving the empath feeling heavy and lacking motivation.
11. Addictive personality: Shopping, alcohol, food, drugs, sex, are to name but a few addictions that empaths turn to, to block out the emotions of others, or to what i call band aiding the real issues, burying them deep inside with a big old bandaid over the top to try and forget about them. It is a form of self protection in order to hide from someone or something.
12. Drawn to healing in all it's forms, holistic therapies and all things metaphysical/spiritual: Although many empaths have the natural healing ability within them already and would love nothing more than to heal others they can end up turning away from being healers, after they've studied and qualified or been certified in some way, because when they start using their new found healing or channeling abilities they take on far too much from the one/one's they are trying to heal or channel healing too. Especially if they are unaware of their empathy. Anything of a supernatural nature is of great interest to empaths and they don't get shocked or surprised very easily.
13. Digestive disorders and lower back problems: The solar plexus chakra is based in the centre of the abdomen and it’s known as the powerhouse of all our emotions. This is where empaths feel the incoming emotion of another, whether that be human or spirit, which can weaken the area if not looked after, protected and can eventually lead to anything from stomach ulcers to IBS and the list goes on and on. Lower back problems (amongst other things) are a big one for an empath, especially the empath that is unaware of the strong need for balance. This back pain is due to being ungrounded which empaths often are.
14. Love of anything related to nature or animals: Being outdoors in the fresh air and within nature is a must for empaths and providing themselves balance. Due to the energy of others empaths tend to lock themselves away to protect themselves, nature is an important part of creating balance for the empath and pets are an essential part of their life. Pets show such unconditional love and for an empath that is so important to have, animals are very giving and that's a nice balance again for the empath that likes to continually give.
15. The need for solitude: An empath will get aggravated if they don't get their quiet time. This is even obvious in empathic children. Empaths need that space to recoup from others energies, to bring balance to themselves and to just be in their OWN energy for a change.
16. Finds routine, rules or control claustrophobic and will fight against it: Anything that takes away an empath's sense of freedom is extremely debilitating and can even have a poisoning effect to the moods of the imprisoned empath.
17. Finds it hard to continue or do things that don't amuse them or fulfill enjoyment: It almost feels like they are living a lie by continuing something they don't enjoy. To force an empath to do something they dislike through guilt or calling them lazy will only serve in making them unhappy. It doesn't feel right to an empath to do something that doesn't contain some passion or enjoyment for them.
18. Is constantly searching for the truth: This becomes more prevalent when an empath discovers his/her gifts and has a strong identification with their empathic self. Anything untruthful feels just plain wrong to them.
19. Always looking for the answers and the knowledge to back it: To have unanswered questions can be extremely frustrating for an empath and they will endeavour to find an explanation as quickly as possible. If they have a knowing or even a small amount of knowledge about something they will look for confirmation. The downside to this is an information overload and the possibility of endless hours of research if to do nothing else but obtain peace of mind that they have found the information.
20. Likes the thought of travel, adventure and the freedom of large spaces: Empaths are definitely free spirits.
21. Gets easily distracted or bored quickly if not stimulated: School, work and home life has to be kept interesting for an empath (a good place to help empathic children get creative to spur their imagination and keep things alive and stimulating for them) or they just switch off from it and end up steering off into space or doodling to keep themselves occupied.
22. Lover of daydreaming: An empath can stare into space for hours over the smallest thought or picture they have created in their minds, in a world of their own and blissfully happy.
23. Can sense the energy of the food they eat: Many empaths don't like to eat meat red or white and some even fish products because they can feel the vibrations or the energy of the animal (especially if the animal suffered in their lives or even in death), even if they like or love the taste. To feel the energy of the animal suffering, can make the finely attuned empath ill after eating.
24. Has an intolerance to narcissism of any kind: Although kind, caring and compassionate and often more than tolerant of others, empaths do not like to be around overly egotistical people for very long, especially those who put themselves first and refuse to consider anyone else's feelings or points of view other than their own. The more attuned empath will distance themselves further and further from a narcissist as they begin to realise they cannot help those who won't help themselves.
Note to the empath - How can you tell when you are in the presence of a Narcissistic person who is an energy vampire:
- All that you say and do is never good enough
- Everything you say is spun around and turned against you
- That gut feeling or natural instinct you have is sending up red flags or alarm bells non-stop
- Nothing you do will ever please these people
- You're constantly made to feel beneath them or made to feel in-superior around them
- You never feel heard, listened too or even validated
- You speak your truth in love, they show sympathy and then moments later attack you for it
- Every time you gently criticize their actions, your words are used against you to make you feel bad
- Nothing you say or do to please them will make them like you or love you anymore or as equally as you love them.
- They will use past situations and your insecurities against you whenever they feel like it and sometimes for no reason at all
- You may feel trapped into an argument that has no resolution and that you didn't cause nor want to be involved in from the start
- It's always your fault or the blame is always on you no matter what
- You will be criticized and made to feel bad for sharing how well you might be doing in your life. That is seen as a slap in the face towards them and how they are doing.
- When you finally do stand up for yourself they are sorry, then five minutes later or the next day attack again.
- They constantly wear a mask and put on their best face to others, all the while you know exactly what's coming next, what's brewing inside and how that may affect you.
All of the above points (plus many more) you could possibly suffer from while being around these types of people, it generally will never change. They will sense your caring, giving heart coming a mile away, and will undoubtedly abuse you and use you much like a neverending drug. These types of people are known to say things like; “I can't do without my (your name) fix”, or "I can't do this without you" which is more often than not a tell sign that if you leave them or choose not to help them, that they will do everything in their power to; keep you hooked within their reach, making you feel small, unwanted, not very good for much else other than helping them and then ashamed for leaving them.
This is where you need to set loving boundaries and if that is not an option or does not work,
detach with love and RUN!
25. The ability to literally feel what day of the week it is: An empath will get that "Thank goodness it's Friday Feeling’ whether they work Fridays or not. An empath picks up on how the collective are feeling in the moment. A long weekend to an empath feels like bliss around the world, like the world is quite literally smiling, calm, happy and relaxed. Sunday evenings, Mondays and Tuesdays however tell a different story, with a heaviness and dread behind them.
26. Excellent listeners, people often vent to empaths: An empath generally struggles to talk about themselves much, unless it’s to someone they really love and trust. They love to put their energy into learning about others and holding compassion and care around other's journeys in the most sincere and authentic way.
27. Can often appear moody, shy or disconnected to others: Depending on how an empath is feeling inside will depend on what mask they wear or what they will show of themselves to the world. They can be prone to mood swings that can often spiral out of control, much like four seasons in one day and if they've taken on too much negative energy they can appear very quiet, withdrawn, unsociable and even miserable within themselves. An empath detests having to pretend to be happy when inside they are sad, this only adds to their energy load. That ever loved catch phrase used especially in retail of the customers are always right and service with a smile can make life really hard for the empath when all they want to do is challenge the customer that is wrong and not smile when they don't feel it.
28. Will not choose to buy second hand anything or antiques: Anything that’s been pre-owned carries the energy of the previous owner, so you won't find many empaths garage saleing especially if they are finely attuned. An empath will even prefer to have a brand new car or house if it's financially possible, with no residual energy of previous tenants or occupants. Unless they have the tools of clearing the house, things that they live in, use or wear.
29. Prone to carrying excess weight without necessarily overeating: The excess weight gain is more often than not a form of protection to stop the negative incoming energies having as much impact. If an empath is in a toxic environment or around toxic people, more often than not the area around their solar plexus chakra will expand. the moment the energy changes in the environment to a light one and happiness is in abundance, the weight seems to disappear.
30. Greatly affected by the Psychic Vampire: Whatever the type of person, the pay attention to me, poor me, sitting on the pity pot, the talker, the friend greedy for your time or the biggy the drama queen. Empath's tend to struggle in this area because they are so used to helping and giving, It's important for the empath to create strong, firm but loving boundaries around their friends, family and even strangers.
31. Rough sports or violent activities can deeply affect an empath: For many female Empaths, the idea of watching violent sports such as boxing, rugby, football etc puts them off just as much as; newspapers, tv and horror/thriller movies. Just like some men, they don’t see the need for violence in any form as a whole, and often feel compelled to speak up against it.
32. Feel compelled to tell it like you see it: Empaths aren’t a fan of negativity, feeling hurtful or nasty emotions from people, so more often than not struggle to lie at any cost, since lying in itself takes a very negative thought process to begin with. That being said, Empaths can sometimes get into trouble for speaking the truth all the time. How many of you have gotten into trouble for speaking your mind and then standing behind your truth? (unfortunately not everyone can handle the truth, in whatever form it comes to them). Empaths tell the truth because it feels good to be honest, rather than to just pretend it doesn't exist.
If you can relate or have said yes to most of or all of the above then you are most definitely an empath.
©Rebecca Fox R.M.